Pewsey Primary School


SEN Information 




Q. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?


A. High quality teaching is a key factor in the success of our school and all teachers plan lessons taking into account the attainment groups at which all children in their class are working at. We are a well resourced school and always try to provide any equipment that a child might need to assist their learning.  We have developed our own Outdoor Learning site and all children will experience outdoor learning activities.


Q. Who can I talk to if I am not happy about how my child is learning?


A. The Head (or a member of the senior leadership team) is always available to greet children and families in the morning and any concerns can be passed on informally. Your first port of call should of course be your child’s class teacher who is always available to discuss your child with you. Alternatively, you can speak to the Head or Mrs Spanswick (SENCO) depending on the problem. We operate an open door policy at our school and always have a listening ear and provide help and advice.


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