Pewsey Primary School

Information and Advice for Parents, Carers and Families



Mrs Spanswick - our SENCO - is available to help our pupils and their families. You can contact Mrs Spanswick via e-mail or you can contact the school office to arrange a time to meet.

As a school, we feel that is it's very important to work with our families to best support the pupils. If you have any concerns about your child, either in school, or issues at home that are effecting them, please don’t hesitate to come in and have a chat.

Parents can also access support here  via Spurgeons - who run services to support families.

Click here to view helpful resources for young people's mental health.



'Shelf - help' books

Reading well for children recommends reading to help you deal with worries, feel better and boost your mood. 

If you click on the image on the left, you can download a copy of this leaflet which recommends books dealing with a whole variety of topics ranging from dealing with tough times to learning more about different conditions (ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia, OCD etc)

The books have been chosen and recommended by leading health professionals (from public libraries, NHS England, Mind, the Royal College of GPs, and the School Library Association) and co-produced with children and families.  

The booklist is targeted at children in Key Stage 2 (aged 7-11), but includes a wide range of reading levels to support less confident readers, and to encourage children to read together with their siblings and carers.

If you find a book that interests you, why not sign-up to your local library where you can borrow it for FREE.




Wiltshire Parent Carer Council

An excellent website that is full of useful information. The WPCC is an independent organisation which is managed and run by parent carers, for parent carers.

Click on the image to access the website.






       Click on the image below to find out more information. 


















To find out more information about Young Carers, please watch the video below:


You can also find out more information about what support is offered to Young Carers and who to contact if you think a child is eligible, by visiting the Wiltshire Local Offer:





Free Courses

Click on the icons below to find out more information.

Alternatively, to find out more information about all of the courses currently available, click on this link

Short Breaks and days out for children
















Short Breaks scheme

The Short Breaks scheme aims to meet the individual needs and interests of children and young people who require additional support to either access or engage in leisure activities or ‘short breaks’.

Visit the Wiltshire Parent Carer Council website to access the online application form. 

You can also use the NEW online eligibility checking tool to check your child's eligibility for the Short Breaks Scheme.

To visit the Short Breaks Scheme link on the WPCC website, click here


Splash provides free, positive activities for young people facing ‘challenges in their lives’.  Splash provides a fun, supportive, encouraging environment where young people can have new, positive experiences, make friends, develop skills and increase their confidence and self-esteem. 

To find out more about the SPLASH activities, visit the Youth Action website by clicking here.

Please see Mrs Spanswick if you would like your child to take part in the SPLASH activities.