Pewsey Primary School


SEN Information


Assessment and review


Q. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?


A. If your child has an EHCP the outcomes agreed with you the family will determine the support that they will need. The class teacher/ SENCO and/ or Head together will plan to meet your child’s needs by deciding on suitable interventions or support. Following a period of intervention, the child’s progress will be reviewed and based on this, further intervention or support will be agreed. Of course, if your child also has health or social care needs, the SEND Lead worker team will coordinate the best support available for your child.


All children’s academic attainment is regularly reviewed at pupil progress meetings and children not making expected progress are identified and support is planned by the class teacher/ SENCO/ Head to help them remain on track to meet their targets.


Q. How are parents/carers and young people involved in the assessment and review of needs?


A. Parents/carers and the young person are fundamental in assessing and reviewing their needs and regular meetings are held to discuss this as well as informal opportunities. Copies of forms, reports, minutes of meetings and the opportunity to discuss their concerns with outside professionals are always offered.                                                                         

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