Pewsey Primary School


SEN Information




Q. What are the transition arrangements?


Children joining our school part way through the year are welcomed and supported by their new class members. Where possible, the Head will always meet families and show them around the school explaining what we can offer. New children are “buddied” up to help them find their feet in following the class routines and there is a photo gallery of staff in the entrance foyer and on the website to familiarise key figures.

Children from pre-schools are invited to visit our school to watch the Reception Class perform plays during the year and take part in an Easter egg hunt. The Reception class teacher and TA make home visits to meet children in their home setting before they start school. All parents are invited to meet the Headteacher to find out more about the school and how best they can help their children to succeed. During the summer term, before they start school, children are invited to visit the classroom for a morning with a familiar adult and following that, two further mornings unaccompanied. In September, there is a staggered introduction to school life when they come in for part-days building up to whole days within three weeks. For children with SEND, meetings are held with both settings and the family to share the child’s needs and address any concerns that the parents may have. Extra visits can also be arranged to visit the class prior to starting in September - an enhanced transition may be suitable for individuals with SEND.


We have links with Pewsey Vale School and our classes visit the school for a range of events from sports events to induction days and open evenings. A structured transition of visits is implemented and there is close liaison between staff in both schools to share information about the children transferring to the next school. Other secondary schools in the area also offer induction days and visits by staff to meet the children.


For children with SEND, a more tailored approach can be planned with extra visits accompanied by one of our support staff either 1:1 or in a small group. Meetings with the secondary school SENCO, family and support staff allow all concerns to be addressed and establish a good relationship from which to build.                                                                               

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