About Us
Pewsey Primary School is one of the largest Primary Schools in the Vale of Pewsey and this in itself allows us to provide an extremely diverse environment that offers a wide social circle and encourages good relationship skills and excellent teamwork. We recognise pupils as individuals and believe that they can become confident, independent-thinking learners if given the best possible chance to reach their full potential. We pride ourselves in developing well-rounded individuals ready for their transition to secondary school; a move that is made much more effective due to our close links with Pewsey Vale School.
We seek to offer the very best in primary education in a safe and stimulating environment, through a well-balanced, yet creative curriculum tailored to the needs of every child. Over recent years, there has been a dramatic improvement in academic achievement across the school, something all staff and pupils are very proud of. The Headteacher and staff endeavour to create an environment that is forward-thinking and quick to implement new strategies that can benefit the children. Along with a successful and pro-active PTA we think this is a 'great school!' Pewsey Primary School is very welcoming and always listens; please do feel free to come into school regularly to discuss any aspect of your child's education with our staff and Headteacher.
Thank you for your interest in our school and we look forward to developing a very positive and successful partnership with you.
Nicola Gilbert Headteacher
Linda Trapnell Chair of Governors