Pewsey Primary School

Our Vision

At Pewsey Primary School, we work together to create a whole school community focussed on raising the aspirations of all, in a supportive and safe environment. We challenge everybody to achieve their full potential: socially, emotionally and academically.


Our School Aims


  • To value, respect and encourage all members of the school community.


  • To provide a safe, caring and happy school.


  • To provide experiences in a nurturing environment, where mistakes and risks are seen as positive steps to learning. 


  • To provide a creative, dynamic curriculum allowing children to enjoy learning and achieve success.


  • To develop talents and abilities of individuals through working independently and cooperatively.


  • To involve all learners in the decision making of the school, enabling them to make a positive contribution now and in the future.


  • To challenge and support learners to provide them with skills for a successful future.


  • To develop learners’ understanding of self and others, enabling everyone to make positive, healthy choices.


  • To promote effective working partnerships with parents, carers and the wider community.

Our Values
Our Values